Glou 2020

Duality is a curious thing. I find so much beauty in days like today when I'm feeling simultaneously energized and inspired while also exhausted and overwhelmed. As I reflect on 2019 and what it meant for GLOU, I catch my stream of consciousness quickly shifting to a state of expansion, planning and excitement for 2020.


I want to express my infinite gratitude to other entrepreneurs, women-run businesses and creatives near and far who have believed in GLOU in one way or another this year. I'm grateful to be a part of a community that lifts each other up.

Thank you to all of my teachers, mentors and guides for their patience and sharing their practice. Also, the sisterhood is very real. Family and friends are everything. Mother Earth is sacred. I'm learning from it all and am humbled.

I've been revisiting Glou’s purpose and its intentions remain the same: to inspire personal growth and shift collective and societal consciousness by offering healing goods and rituals that incorporate a modern take on early practices.

There's great opportunity to bridge this knowledge to our current culture, precisely at this pivotal moment for humanity and our planet. In 2020 Glou will continue to be a bridge, while contributing to Mexican design and also supporting small, local family-run businesses along the way.

Glou products will continue to be artisanal and handmade as sustainable as possible with natural and recycled materials native to the region. This year we are ready to take on new collaborations with arts and cultural spaces as well as other makers, our online store and new products, always with a simple aesthetic, utility and a punch of light.

Oh and when I say GLOU, it is also me, Glo. I've been discreet about who is behind all of this, but it's time to connect. You'll be seeing more of me.

Thank you forever and see you on the other side. #2020 🌹

Gloria (Glo) Mayne Davó, Founder, Glou Studio


Colaboración Heartbest x Glou